Sqlmap Cheat Sheet: Commands and Flags

Sqlmap Cheat Sheet

sqlmap is a penetration testing tool for SQL injection (SQLi). It automates the detection and exploitation of SQLi flaws and database server hijacking. This makes penetration testing much more efficient, but sqlmap’s vast documentation can make learning sqlmap a daunting task. A mini-reference would help you focus on essential commands.

On top of that, a bird’s-eye view of how you conduct your penetration tests helps you to prioritize your computing resources. It’s undesirable to drown in the technical minutiae trying to locate the right commands to issue.

This cheat sheet is the mini-reference for sqlmap learners of all stages, and it provides the bird’s-eye view you need to build your testing strategy. The latter is especially crucial when Google Dorking (mentioned below) as you must stay within query limits; redundant queries can cause your IP address to be blacklisted.

You may download the PDF version of this cheat sheet here.

Sqlmap Cheat Sheet Search

Search our Sqlmap cheat sheet to find the right cheat for the term you're looking for. Simply enter the term in the search bar and you'll receive the matching cheats available.

Table Of Contents
  1. Sqlmap Cheat Sheet Search
  2. System Requirements for Sqlmap
  3. Install Sqlmap
  4. Checking for SQLi Vulnerabilities
  5. Overview of SQLi Attacks
  6. Sqlmap Options
  7. Sqlmap Command Generator
  8. Running a SQLi Attack Scan with Sqlmap
  9. Get a List of Databases on Your System and Their Tables
  10. Password Cracking with Sqlmap
  11. Sqlmap's Source Code Structure and How to Navigate It
  12. Important and Useful Sqlmap Directories
  13. Test --levels and Their Impact on Your Commands
  14. Verbosity Levels
  15. Tamper Scripts and Their Actions
  16. Frequently Asked Questions

System Requirements for Sqlmap

Check that you have the correct Python versions installed in your command line console or terminal using sqlmap --version .

Install Sqlmap

Download sqlmap below:

This is also the preferred method to upgrade sqlmap on Kali Linux.

The Git wiki has information for advanced sqlmap users.

Checking for SQLi Vulnerabilities

How to use sqlmap in the command line:

sqlmap [mandatory arguments and values required] [options and values where applicable]

Overview of SQLi Attacks

Categories of SQLi attacks include:

In-Band (or Classic) SQLi Attacks

In in-band attacks, the attacker can launch the attack and view results through the same channel (band), such as via a console shell or web application. The four most popular in-band injection techniques are error-based, union-based, stacked queries, and inline queries. (sqlmap option: --technique )

Error-based injections

Error messages displayed in the console or application leak information about the database configurations, structure, and data.

Union-based injections

Using UNION and associated keywords, the attacker combines the results from a legitimate query with those from an attack to extract data, such as by matching user data with location history.

Stacked queries (piggybacking)

The attacker sends multiple SQL statements joined by a semicolon in the same call to the database server to change the data within or manipulate the server.

Inline queries

Embedding partial SQL statements on the server-side backend makes the server vulnerable to SQLi via client-side input.

Out-of-Band SQLi Attacks

Out-of-band attacks obtain data using a channel (band) other than the one making the request. Examples include receiving an email containing query results and sending results to a different web server using a separate HTTP connection.

Inferential (or Blind) SQLi Attacks

These involve changing the database behavior to reconstruct information.

Boolean injections

This inferential attack involves Boolean expressions, such as tautologies. If you are visiting an e-commerce website, you might obtain a product page via the route /product/279, which translates to this query string in the backend:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE ;

But append a tautological statement to the route to get /product/279'%20or%201=1:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE OR 1=1;

Since 1=1 must evaluate to TRUE, you can see all products regardless of the limitations the vendor has placed on them, such as unannounced or out-of-stock inventory.

Time delay injections (time-based attacks)

This inferential attack leaves negligible traces of penetration on the database logs during the exploration of an unknown database. Such attacks depend on the database pausing for a fixed time before responding, and the injected time delay command differs across SQL languages.

If the database is not vulnerable to a time-based attack, the results will load quickly despite the time delay specified.

Compound SQLi Attacks

Compound SQLi attacks refer to SQLi attacks plus other cyberattacks, such as unauthorized access, distributed denial of service (DDoS), domain name server (DNS) hijacking, and cross-site scripting (XSS). The details of the other attacks are beyond the scope of this cheat sheet.

Sqlmap Options

Mandatory Arguments

At least one of the following is necessary for the sqlmap command to run:

Basic operationsDescription
-h Basic help
-hh Advanced help
--version Show sqlmap version number
-v VERBOSE Set verbosity level where VERBOSE is an integer between 0 and 6 inclusive (default: 1)
--wizard Simple wizard interface for beginner users
--shell Prompt for an interactive sqlmap shell; inside the shell, omit sqlmap and enter options and arguments directly
--update Update sqlmap to the latest version
--purge Safely remove all content from sqlmap data directory
--list-tampers Display list of available tamper scripts
--dependencies Check for missing (optional) sqlmap dependencies
-u URL
Specify target URL , preferably containing vulnerable query parameters
-u "http://www.site.com/vuln.php?id=1"
-g GOOGLEDORK Process Google dork results as target URLs: you input as Google dorking queries, and you obtain URL results on which you run sqlmap.
GOOGLEDORK examples (\ to escape double quote "):
• "inurl:\".php?id=1\""
• 'intext:csrq filetype:"pdf"'
Overusing this command leads to the following warning:
[CRITICAL] Google has detected 'unusual' traffic from used IP address disabling
further searches
-d DATABASE_STRING Specify connection string for direct database connection
• "rdbms://user:password@dbms_ip:dbms_port/database_name"
• "rdbms://database_filepath"
• "sqlite:///home/user/testdb"
• 'mysql://admin:999@'
-m /path/to/BULKFILE Scan multiple targets listed in textual file BULKFILE
Sample BULKFILE contents:
-l /path/to/LOGFILE Parse target(s) from Burp or WebScarab proxy log file LOGFILE
-r /path/to/REQUESTFILE Load HTTP request from textual file REQUESTFILE
Sample REQUESTFILE contents:
POST /vuln.php HTTP/1.1
Host: www.target.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
-c CONFIGFILE.INI Load options from a configuration file (extension . INI ), useful for complex attacks

General Options

Set general working parameters.

--batch Never ask for user input, use the default behavior
--answers Set predefined answers: parameters are substring(s) of question prompt(s); join multiple answers with a comma. You may use this with --batch .
Usage: --answers="quit=N,follow=N"
--flush-session Flush session files for current target
--crawl=CRAWL_DEPTH Crawl (collect links of) the website starting from the target URL
--crawl-exclude=CRAWL_EXCLUDE Regular expression to exclude pages from being crawled (e.g. --crawl-exclude="logout" to skip all pages containing the keyword “logout”)
--csv-del=CSVDEL Delimiting character used in CSV output (default ",")
--charset=CHARSET Blind SQLi charset (e.g. "0123456789abcdef" )
--dump-format=DUMP_FORMAT Format of dumped data (CSV (default), HTML or SQLITE)
--encoding=ENCODING Character encoding used for data retrieval (e.g. GBK)
--eta Display for each output the estimated time of arrival
--flush-session Flush session files for current target
--output-dir=OUTPUT_DIR Custom output directory path
--parse-errors Parse and display DBMS error messages from responses
--preprocess=SCRIPT Use given script(s) for preprocessing (request)
--postprocess=SCRIPT Use given script(s) for postprocessing (response)
--repair Redump entries having unknown character marker (denoted by “?” character)
--save=SAVECONFIG Save options to a configuration INI file
--scope=SCOPE Regular expression for filtering targets
--skip-heuristics Skip heuristic detection of vulnerabilities
--skip-waf Skip heuristic detection of WAF/IPS protection
--web-root=WEBROOT Web server document root directory (e.g. "/var/www" )

Sqlmap Command Generator

Say goodbye to the hassle of trying to remember the exact syntax for your Sqlmap commands! With our Sqlmap Command Generator, you can simply say what you need Sqlmap to do, and we will generate the command for you.

Request Options

Specify how to connect to the target URL.

--data=DATA Data string to be sent through POST (e.g. "id=1" )
--cookie=COOKIE HTTP Cookie header value (e.g. "PHPSESSID=77uT7KkibWPPEkSPjBd9GJjPLGj; security=low" )
--random-agent Use randomly selected HTTP User-Agent header value
--proxy=PROXY Use a proxy to connect to the target URL
--tor Use Tor anonymity network
--check-tor Check to see if Tor is used properly

Optimization Options

Optimize the performance of sqlmap.

-o Turn on all optimization switches
--predict-output Predict common queries output
--keep-alive Use persistent HTTP(s) connections
--null-connection Retrieve page length without actual HTTP response body
--threads=THREADS Maximum number of concurrent HTTP(s) requests (default 1)

Injection Options

Specify the parameters to test against, custom injection payloads, and optional tampering scripts.

-p TESTPARAMETER Testable parameter(s) (e.g. -p "id,user-agent" )
--skip=SKIP Skip testing for given parameter(s) (e.g. –-skip="referer" )
--skip-static Skip testing parameters that do not appear to be dynamic
--param-exclude=PARAM_EXCLUDE Regular expression to exclude parameters PARAM_EXCLUDE from testing (e.g. exclude a session parameter " ses ")
--param-filter=PARAM_FILTER Select testable parameter(s) PARAM_FILTER by place (e.g. " POST ")
--dbms=DBMS Force back-end DBMS to use the given
--dbms-cred=DBMS_CREDS DBMS authentication credentials DBMS_CREDS of the format " user:password "
--os=OS Force back-end DBMS operating system to the value of OS
--invalid-bignum Use big numbers for invalidating values
--invalid-logical Use logical operations for invalidating values
--invalid-string Use random strings for invalidating values
--no-cast Turn off payload casting mechanism
--no-escape Turn off string escaping mechanism
--prefix=PREFIX Injection payload prefix string PREFIX
--suffix=SUFFIX Injection payload suffix string SUFFIX
--tamper=TAMPER Use given script(s) TAMPER for tampering injection data

Customize the detection phase of the SQL attack scan.

--level=LEVEL Level of tests to perform ( LEVEL takes integers 1-5, default 1)
--risk=RISK Risk of tests to perform ( RISK takes integers 1-3, default 1)
--string=STRING String to match when query returns True
--not-string=NOT_STRING String to match when query returns False
--regexp=REGEXP Regular expression to match when query returns True
--code=CODE HTTP code to match when query returns True
--smart Perform thorough tests only if positive heuristic(s)
--text-only Compare pages based only on the textual content
--titles Compare pages based only on their titles

Techniques Options

Tweak testing of specific SQLi techniques.

--technique=TECHNIQUE SQLi techniques to use (default " BEUSTQ " explained below)
• B: Boolean-based blind
• E: Error-based
• U: Union query-based
• S: Stacked queries
• T: Time-based blind
• Q: Inline queries
--time-sec=TIMESEC Seconds to delay the DBMS response (default 5)
--union-cols=UCOLS Range of columns to test for UNION query SQLi
--union-char=UCHAR Character to use to guess the number of columns by brute force
--union-from=UFROM Table to use in FROM part of UNION query SQLi
--dns-domain=DNSDOMAIN Domain name used for DNS exfiltration attack
--second-url=SECONDURL Resulting page URL searched for second-order response
--second-req=SECONDREQ Load second-order HTTP request from file

Fingerprint Option

Assess a database before attacking it.

-f, --fingerprint Perform an extensive DBMS version fingerprint

Running a SQLi Attack Scan with Sqlmap

Three basic steps underlie a SQLi attack scan:

  1. Conduct reconnaissance on a database using mandatory target arguments and fingerprinting.
  2. Discover potential vulnerabilities by enumerating the database contents.
  3. Run tests of different SQLi attacks to determine the extent of these vulnerabilities.

Repeat steps 2-3 to your satisfaction.

Get a List of Databases on Your System and Their Tables

Use enumeration options to scan SQL databases. To get a list of databases on your system, use --dbs . For the tables and their schema, use --tables , --schema , and --columns .

Below is an example of exploiting a vulnerability in the id parameter in a given cookie session to return the database tables ( --tables ) using default answers to prompts ( --batch ):

To narrow down the exploit to the users column, use the --columns option followed by -T and the desired table name:

Enumeration Options

These options can be used to enumerate the configuration information, structure and data contained in the tables of the target database management system.

-a, --all Retrieve everything
-b, --banner Retrieve DBMS banner
--current-user Retrieve DBMS current user
--current-db Retrieve DBMS current database
--dbs Enumerate DBMS databases
--exclude-sysdbs Exclude DBMS system databases when enumerating tables
--users Enumerate DBMS users
--passwords Enumerate DBMS users password hashes
--tables Enumerate DBMS database tables
--columns Enumerate DBMS database table columns
--schema Enumerate DBMS schema
--count Retrieve number of entries for table(s)
--dump Dump (output) DBMS database table entries
--dump-all Dump all DBMS databases tables entries
-D DB DBMS database to enumerate
-T TBL DBMS database table(s) to enumerate
-C COL DBMS database table column(s) to enumerate
-X EXCLUDE DBMS database identifier(s) to not enumerate
-U USER DBMS user to enumerate

Brute Force Options

Guess whether the database contains common names for tables, columns, and files.

--common-tables Check existence of common tables
--common-columns Check existence of common columns
--common-files Check existence of common files

Password Cracking with Sqlmap

Straightforward Method

This requires read permissions on the target database. In this case, you could enumerate the password hashes for each user with the --passwords option. sqlmap will first enumerate the users, then attempt to crack the password hashes.

Indirect Method

If your target database is sufficiently vulnerable, you can look for a table containing user data (e.g., users ) because passwords likely reside there.

Once sqlmap discovers a column of passwords, it will prompt you for permission to crack the passwords, followed by a prompt on whether or not to crack them via a dictionary-based attack. If the passwords are sufficiently insecure, a “Y” to both prompts will yield meaningful output passwords.

Sqlmap's Source Code Structure and How to Navigate It

View the source code of sqlmap here on GitHub. Click here for a high-resolution version of the diagram.

sqlmap source code

Important and Useful Sqlmap Directories

You may customize your sqlmap experience by adding or editing files in the following directories. GitHub links refer to directories found in the sqlmap source code.

/sqlmap.conf Default values for all options which require defaults to function. The value(s) stated in terminal-issued commands takes precedence over the value(s) in this .conf file.
/data/xml/payloads SQLi payloads, deployed according to the user’s values of --level and --risk
/data/txt Text strings used for guessing column names and passwords (dictionary-based attacks)
/tamper Tamper scripts
/output/ Results from sqlmap commands returning database values such as --dump .
If you use Kali Linux, this directory is at /home/kali/.local/share/sqlmap/output/ .
Otherwise, the sqlmap terminal output will specify this location in an [INFO] message.
/history/ History of commands issued in a sqlmap shell ( --shell ).
If you use Kali Linux, this directory is at
/home/kali/.local/share/sqlmap/history .

Test --levels and Their Impact on Your Commands

Check your database against particular SQLi attacks by setting test --level values to dictate the volume of tests to perform and the degree of feedback from sqlmap.

--level valuesDescription
1 (default)A limited number of tests/requests: GET and POST parameters will be tested by default
2 Test cookies (HTTP cookie header values)
3 Test cookies plus HTTP User-Agent/Referer headers’ values
4 As above, plus null values in parameters and other bugs
5 An extensive list of tests with an input file for payloads and boundaries

sqlmap SQLi payloads are usually harmless, but if you want to test your database to breaking point, --risk is the option to use:

--risk valuesDescription
1 (default)Data remain unchanged and database remains operable
2 Include heavy query time-based SQLi attacks, which may slow down or take down the database
3 As above, plus OR-based SQLi tests, the payload of which may update all entries of a table and cause havoc in production environments.

Verbosity Levels

These integer levels (0-6) are for troubleshooting and to see what sqlmap is doing under the hood.

Verbosity levelDescription
0 Show only Python tracebacks, error, and critical messages
1 (default)Show also information and warning messages
2 Show also debug messages
3 Show also payloads injected
4 Show also HTTP requests
5 Show also HTTP responses' headers
6 Show also HTTP responses' page content

Tamper Scripts and Their Actions

Tamper scripts are for bypassing security controls, such as Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) and Intrusion Prevention Systems. There are at least 60 scripts by default, but you can add custom ones.

Useful tamper script commands:

--list-tampers List all tamper scripts in the sqlmap directory
--tamper=TAMPERS Invoke tamper script(s) TAMPERS of your choice
--tamper --tamper="/path/to/custom/tamper_script.py"

Default tamper script actions fall into four categories:

ActionTamper script(s) as of sqlmap version
Replacement 0eunion, apostrophemask, apostrophenullencode, between, bluecoat, commalesslimit, commalessmid, concat2concatws, dunion, equaltolike, equaltorlike, greatest, hex2char, ifnull2casewhenisnull, ifnull2ifisnull, least, lowercase, misunion, ord2ascii, plus2concat, plus2fnconcat, randomcase, sleep2getlock, space2comment, space2dash, space2hash, space2morecomment, space2morehash, space2mssqlblank, space2mssqlhash, space2mysqlblank, space2mysqldash, space2plus, space2randomblank, substring2leftright, symboliclogical, unionalltounion, unmagicquotes, uppercase
Addition halfversionedmorekeywords, informationschemacomment, multiplespaces, percentage, randomcomments, appendnullbyte, sp_password, varnish, xforwardedfor
Obfuscation base64encode, binary, chardoubleencode, charencode, charunicodeencode, charunicodeescape, commentbeforeparentheses, escapequotes, htmlencode,modsecurityversioned, modsecurityzeroversioned, overlongutf8, overlongutf8more, schemasplit, versionedkeywords, versionedmorekeywords
Bypass luanginx (UA-Nginx WAFs Bypass (e.g. Cloudflare))

We hope this sqlmap cheat sheet makes sqlmap a more enjoyable experience for you. To download a PDF version of this sqlmap cheat sheet, click here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is sqlmap used for?

The purpose of sqlmap is penetration testing. It automates detecting and exploiting SQLi flaws and vulnerabilities of database servers.

Are SQLi attacks traceable?

With default sqlmap configurations, yes, attackers are traceable. However, invoking masking options, such as using the --tor setting to tunnel web traffic through Tor, makes it more challenging to uncover the perpetrator.

Do hackers use sqlmap?

What are “level” and “risk” in sqlmap?

Both are classifications: --level on the types of tests sqlmap performs; --risk on sqlmap payloads. The higher the test --level, the more requests sqlmap sends. Meanwhile, the three --risk levels correspond to the degree of destruction to the target database.

What is “crawl” in sqlmap?

To crawl a target website is to collect its links and contents.

How can sqlmap be used to find a vulnerability for a website?

1. Learn about a database using mandatory target arguments and fingerprinting.
2. Discover potential vulnerabilities by enumerating the database contents.
3. Run tests of different SQLi attacks to determine the extent of these vulnerabilities.
Repeat steps 2-3 to your satisfaction.

How can SQLi be prevented?

Ensure user inputs follow valid formats (input validation) and remove or escape invalid characters (data sanitization). Enforce prepared statements to render malicious SQL query strings non-executable. Set user privileges on a need-to-know basis. Keep error messages nonspecific (e.g., “Wrong username or password”). Invalidate long URLs.

How long does sqlmap take to run?

It takes minutes to hours, depending on the complexity of the command, especially the test --level and risk levels, and the database size. The timestamps in sqlmap terminal outputs may help you arrive at reasonable runtime estimates.