Karen Marcus is a former Lifewire writer who has also written for companies like HP, Intel, IBM, Samsung, and others.
Updated on October 21, 2021 Reviewed byRyan Perian is a certified IT specialist who holds numerous IT certifications and has 12+ years' experience working in the IT industry support and management positions.
Need to record a call on your Android phone? Here's a list of the best Android call recorder apps.
Because of privacy concerns, Android 9.0 (Pie) doesn't allow call recording without first rooting your Android device.
Before you record a call, check the laws in your country or state. Some places require you to reveal to the other party that the call is being recorded.
This app allows you to record all calls with contacts of your choosing. After recording, you can share the file and upload it to Dropbox or Google Drive. You can then search your recordings by contact name or phone number, and there's also a handy note-taking feature.
The basic version is free, but there's a premium version if you want additional features.
Use this app to record incoming and outgoing calls automatically. There's no need to manually start and stop the operation. After you save your recordings in MP3 format on your phone or on an SD card, you can organize the files by time, name, or date. Choose a recording from the list, then use the action buttons to save or share the file.
Another Call Recorder (ACR) is another app that enables you to "set it and forget it" by recording all calls automatically. The Pro version supports uploading files to several cloud storage applications (Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive), which you can use to store call recordings and send files via email.
Use this app to record incoming and outgoing calls with your phone and also from a variety of apps you may have installed, including Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, IMO, Line, Slack, and Telegram. Choose which contacts to automatically record and exclude those you don't need. Cube Call Recorder automatically syncs with your Google Drive.
Like some of the others listed here, this app allows you to record incoming and outgoing calls automatically. Once you have the recordings, you can listen to them from within the app, store them on an SD card, or send them to other people using third-party apps.
Super Call Recorder is completely free, and supports most models of Android phones version 5.0 to 9.0.
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