Mission Statement:
The City Plan staff members serve the citizens of Dearborn by providing comprehensive analysis and recommendations regarding all land use issues related to city development. The principal goal in this process is to create a balanced, interrelated environment of the highest quality for the citizens of Dearborn in which to live, work and play.
Our Guiding Principles:
- The Master Plan sets forth a basic framework for the development of the City. The plan was prepared with citizen input and will continue to be upgraded from time to time, again on the principle of citizen participation in developing goals and objectives for the City's future growth and development.
- The Zoning Ordinance provides for zoning districts and regulations for development of property in the community. All proposed zoning changes are subject to a public hearing process involving citizens, allowing them the opportunity to become acquainted with the requested change and to offer their opinions and positions.
- The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) establishes a long-range financing program for a six-year period to implement development and growth as specified in the Master Plan and also permits citizens participation through the public hearing process.
Customer Survey – Site Plan Review & Board Hearings
The City of Dearborn is seeking your input! We are conducting customer feedback surveys to ensure we are meeting the need of all our residents. Take a look at the survey below about Site Plan Review & Board Hearings and let us know what you think.