Deped school policies and regulations

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DepEd Policies

This page contains various policy issuances of the Department of Education (DepEd) subcategorized into DepEd Orders, DepEd Memoranda, and Office Memoranda.

DepEd Orders

DepEd Order NumberTitleDate IssuedSummary/Salient Provisions
DO No. 31, s. 2022Child Rights Policy: Adopting the Rights-Based Education Framework in Philippine Basic Education2022At the center of Philippine basic education is the child and learner. In pursuance of the holistic development of the child, the Department envisions child-centered and child-caring basic education schools, learnning centers, and offices, which perofrm their duty to respect, protext, fulfilll, and actively promote the education rights of choldren so they may lead productive and happy lives as they partiicpate in nation-building.
DO No. 28, s. 2022Implementing Guidelines on the Release, Receipt, Utilization, Monitoring and Reporting of Program Support Funds for Alternative Learning System for Calendar Year 2022 and Years Thereafter2022The guidelines aim to support the field offices in order to preapre for the implementation and operationalization of Republic Act No. 11510, also known as the Alterantive Learning System Act and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), and to promote and support the program management activities and capacity building programs for ALS implementers, especially for the roll out of the ALS K to 12 Basic Education Curricum.
DO No. 27, s. 2022Conduct of Rapid Assessment in School Year 2021–2022 for Learning Recovery as Well as in Preparation for the 2024 Baseline System Assessment2022The test admnistration for SY 2021-2022 will serve as a rapdi assessment to identify learning gaps and design appropriate interventions, as well as pre[aration for establishing a new syste, assessment baseline in 2024.
DO No. 25, s. 2022Amendment to DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2018 (Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of Remedial and Advancement Classess During (Summer for the K to 12 Basic Education Program)2022The Department of Education issues the Amendment to DepEd Order (DO) No. 13, s. 2018
titled Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of Remedial and Advancement Classess During (Summer for the K to 12 Basic Education Program to assist schools in identifying learners who are most in need of instructional support and layout mechanisms by which remedial classes during summer can be maximized to address learning gaps brought primarily by the abrupt pedagogical shift due to the pandemic.
DO No. 24, s. 2022Adoption of the Basic Education Development Plan 20302022The Department of Education (DepEd) adopts the Basic Education Development Plan 2030 as the medium term plan for the DepEd covering all formal education from Kindergarten (K), Elementary, Junior High School (JHS), to Senior High Schol (SHS), as well as nonformal education through the Alternative Learning System (ALS). The BEDP has been developed through a highly participatory and consultative process that considered the views and priorities of all stakeholders in the education sector.
DO No. 23, s. 2022Child Find Policy for Learners with Disabilities Towards Inclusive Education2022This policy articulates the processes in ensuring that learners with disabilities are identified, located, and evlauated to facilitate their inclusion in the general basic education school system; provides means for the schools to monitor implementation of the Child Find Process; and promotes cooperatie advocacy for children with disability and developental delays among stakeholders in the communities.
DO No. 21, s. 2022Extending the Effectivity of DepEd Order No. 018, s. 2021 to School Year 2021–2022 and Amending Certain Provisions Thereof2022The Department of Education (DepEd) recognizes the high value of awards and recognition and their profound effect on learners' morale, motivation, and self-efficacy, particularly in these extraordinary and challenging times of public health emergency. In view of this, the Department extends the effectivity of DepEd Order No. 018, s. 2021 to School Year 7 to 9, and Grade 11 for Academic Excellence Awards and Performance Awards for Kindergarten.
DO No. 18, s. 2022Amendment to DepEd Order No. 042, s. 2021
(Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for Special Education Program)
2022The Department of Education (DepEd), issued DepEd Order (DO) No. 042, s. 2021 (Guidelines on the Utilization of Support Funds for Special Education (SPED) Program) to provide guidance on the rules for the release, allocation, utilization, and liquidation/reporting of the SPED Program Support Fund (PSF) for public elementary and secondary schools offering SPED Program, as well as regional offices and schools division offices. The SPED PSF supports the implementation of appropriate programs and services to Learners with Disabilities.
DO No. 17, s. 2022Guidelines on the Progressive Expansion of Face to Face Classes2022These guidelines seek to provide guidance to schools on the mechanis,s and standards of the Face to Face classes and ensure their effective, efficient, and sage implementation. This is anchored on the same shared responsibility princinple which was introduced and adopted during the pilot implementation as reflected in the DepEd-DOH Joint Memoandum Circular (JMC) No. 1, s. 2021 titled, Operational Guidelines on the Implementation of Face to Face Learning Modality.
DO No. 15, s. 2022Amendment to DepEd Order No. 045, s. 2021

DepEd Memoranda

DepEd Memorandum NumberTitleDate IssuedSummary/Salient Provisions
DM No. 30, s. 20242024 National Literacy AwardsJune 18, 2024The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC), issues the enclosed National Literacy Awards (NLA) Guidelines, which provide guidance to all DepEd Central and field offices and other concerned agencies and organizations in reconfnizing outstanding programs that significantly contribute to the universalization of literacy in the Philippines.
DM No. 22, s. 20222022 National Literacy AwardsMarch 28, 2022As provided for under Republic Act (RA) 7165, as amended by RA 1O122, the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC) shall "adopt measures for the universalization of literacy," "provide policy and program directions for all literacy endeavors in the country," "recommend strategies on the development of a mass movement for the promotion of life skills and education," formulate policies towards maximizing public and pivate sector support and involvement on literacy programs, projects, and activities," and 'propose measures on how to organize and strengthen support' structuress for literacy at the regional, provincial, city, muncipal and barangay levels," among others.
DM No. 54, s. 2022Research O' Clock 2022 (Finding the Right Blend: Interventions on the Blended Learning Modality)2022In line with the gradual transition to offerring face to face classes in basic education, Research O'clock 2022, with the theme, Finding the Right Blend: Interventions on the Blended Learning Modality, will be focusing its discussion on the evidence and lessons learned during the implementation of distance learning modalities, and will showcase current interventions in the blended learning modality.
DM No. 51, s. 2022Official Launch of the Basic Education Development Plan 20302022The Basic Education Development Plan 2030 is the Department's first long-term plan for basic education covering all formal education from Kindergarten (K), Elementary, Junior High Schoo (JHS), to Senior High School (SHS), as well as nonformal education through the Alternative Learning System (ALS). It shall provide a strategic roadmap geared towards improving the delivery and quality of basic education by addessing the immediate impacts of the pandemic on learning and participation, close the remaining access gaps, confront the issues on education quality, and anticipate the future of education and introduce innovations in fostering resiliency and embedding the rights of children and the youth in education.
DM No. 44, s. 2022Philippine Youth Convergence 20222022The Philippine Youth Convergence 2022 was developed in response to DepEd thrust to reassess, realign, and refocus its youth-related initiatives to be more responsive to the needs pof the youth.
DM No. 34, s. 2022Dissemination of Executive Order No. 167